A couple of years ago I came across an excellent free web-based tool for quick check of section properties and associated strength parameters. This tool is readily available at this site https://www.dlubal.com/en/cross-section-properties. Ever since, I use it extensively for my structural analysis work.
The Key Features consist of:
Comprehensive Cross-Section Database: The software supports a wide range of standard shapes, including I-beams, T-sections etc. from various Regions, Manufacturers and Standards
User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive design allows users select section easily and view results almost instantly.
Different Materials: The database caters for Steel (Hot-rolled and Cold formed) and Aluminum sections
Reporting Features: the reports and analysis results are easily downloadable as pdf files or using screen shots.
How I Use This Web-based Tool
Whenever I am presented with a structural engineering problem or am required to provide a solution, the first thing I do is prepare an engineering concept. After that I try to estimate the loads that the individual structural elements will experience. With these estimates I calculate Axial, Bending Moments and Shear forces. Before I go any further, I check with the suppliers or fabricators which cross-sections of steel they have on site or ready stock. There is no point in using steel sections for a structural design when they are not readily available. Once the suppliers/fabricators provide me with the available steel sections they have on hand, I do a quick structural check to verify if the concept I am proposing is fit for its intended purpose. I.e. are the Axial, Bending and Shear Stresses within acceptable limits.
That’s where this web-based tool at https://www.dlubal.com/en/cross-section-properties comes in handy. The picture below shows the type of cross-sections available and the various filters.
Selecting a Cross-section
Let’s say, that my vendor informs me that an HE 600-B section is readily available, and my preliminary estimate indicate that this would be an appropriate section for the kinds of loads my structure will experience. I can then select this section and perform a preliminary analysis for stresses.
Below is a screen shop of the different section properties that are calculated along with a schematic showing the primary cross-section properties. Details of Geometry, Section Properties and many more can be obtained from the drop-down menu.
Visualize stress distribution
After I have selected the section I can calculate the axial, bending and shear stress for a unit load. E.g. below you will see the stress distribution for a unit bending moment of 1 KNm.
Calculate actual stresses
The actual stresses (Axial, Bending and Shear) can then be scaled up to the actual loads on the structure. I.e. if the actual bending moment is 10 KNm, then the bending stresses can be scaled up by a factor of 10.
Check the section classification
Depending on the structural code you are designing to I also check either the Class of the section (if its Eurocode) or if the section Compact/ Non-Compact or Slender if its AISC code. The preferred option is always to use a Class 1 or Compact section. The enclosed excel sheet performs this check for an I-section. Dlubal Web Based Tool Classify a Section
Cold-formed steel sections available
These days cold formed sections are becoming popular. The Dlubal web-based tool also caters for the cold formed sections. Estimating the sectional properties of cold formed sections using the mid-line theory is complicated to say the least. However, with this web-based tool results can be obtained almost instantly.
I have given a short description of how I use this free web-based tool to perform a conceptual design. It saves me time and helps me communicate with my vendors and design consultants, in a consistent manner. When I email them a copy of the pdf sheet, there is no ambiguity in what sections and materials I wish to order or use in the design. This web-based tool is worth a try. It will definitely save Structural Engineers a lot of time without sacrificing quality.
This article is written for information only. The terms and condition in the disclaimer page shall apply.
Some important hyperlinks are listed below:
Dlubal Web Based Tool Classify a Section
Classification of Steel Sections | Back to the Drawing Board, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRYFEyEGo14